Message from wid
笑顔で過ごせる事で周りの人々にも幸せを与え 楽しく日々を重ねられる人生を。
To spend more pleasant and comfortable everyday.
You are happy to give people around you with a smile so you can have a happy life.
I hope that I can help you through this salon.
CEO / 代表取締役 新井翔太
Access to Hair Salon wid
へアサロン wid へのアクセス方法
How to get to Hair Salon wid
Open 9:30 - 19:00 Closed on Thursdays
秩父市東町 9-12
9:30 - 19:00 木曜定休
TEL 0494-26-6799
LINE ID @wja7006d